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Time Lines


May 25 - June 22, 2024 (finished)

Gallery Location:

Art Collective WA

2/565 Hay Street, PERTH, Western Australia

Opening Hours:

WED – FRI 11am – 4pm
SAT 12 – 4pm
or by appointment

Australia and Antarctica were once joined.


The story of the collision of these two continental plates is revealed within the folded and intruded rocks of the Albany coast in Western Australia.


This is a tale of a world in constant slow motion and state of flux told in time lines far greater than ours.  Sea levels rise and fall, lands collide and separate.

Windberg echoes metamorphic geological processes to create artworks that are a convergence of approaches: realism with abstraction, detail with suggestion, traditional techniques with unconventional materials.


Surfaces are scarred, earth pigments are layered then eroded through a mix of meticulous and brutal methods from engraving to sanding. Imagery is submerged and chemically altered.

Exposed are astonishing landscapes of stone, seemingly permanent yet geologically fleeting, revealing a world constantly on edge.

see artworks


Bridge  (panel 2 detail ) 2024

engraved earth pigments on 5 panels

51 x 40.5 cm each 

Tony Windberg


Bridge  (panel 1 detail ) 2024

engraved earth pigments on 5 panels

51 x 40.5 cm each 

Tony Windberg

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January 28 - April 28, 2024

Gallery Location:

Vasse Felix Gallery

Address: Cnr Tom Cullity Dr & Caves Rd, Cowaramup WA 6284

Opening Hours:

Daily, 10am - 5pm

Drylands considers changes to the Western Australian landscape of the Wheatbelt, Southern and Great Southern regions. It features painterly observations of the land following decades of deforestation, fire regimes, the impacts of climate change, increasing salinity and loss of biodiversity. The artworks picture receding islands of trees, canola fields in full bloom and dry, lone trees and empty scarred landscapes silently mourning the loss of bio and geo-diversity. 

This exhibition includes artwork from the Janet Holmes à Court Collection and invited artists.


Jo Darbyshire, Elizabeth Edmonds, Clare McFarlane, Lindsay Harris, Kate Turner, Tony Windberg


Salvation2010 (detail above)

engraved vinyl and Marri resin on 2 convex structures

109 x 97 x 17 cm each 

Tony Windberg

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January 28 - April 28, 2024

Gallery Location:

Vasse Felix Gallery

Address: Cnr Tom Cullity Dr & Caves Rd, Cowaramup WA 6284

Opening Hours:

Daily, 10am - 5pm

In celebration of Art Collective WA’s first decade of operation, TEN showcases the achievements of its 36 member artists with a group show of entirely new works including painting, sculpture and photography. The exhibition illustrates the richness of contemporary art practice in Western Australia and features many of the state’s most significant artists. 


Merrick Belyea, Cathy Blanchflower, Olga Cironis, Jennifer Cochrane, Penny Coss, Rebecca Dagnall, Jo Darbyshire, Stuart Elliott, Sarah Elson, George Haynes, Giles Hohnen, Chris Hopewell, Jeremy Kirwan-Ward, Theo Koning, Eveline Kotai, Joanna Lamb, Andre Lipscombe, Jane Martin, Minaxi May, Antony Muia, Brad Rimmer, Kevin Robertson, Susan Roux, Vanessa Russ, Helen Smith, Alex Spremberg, Angela Stewart, Jon Tarry, Michele Theunissen, Paul Uhlmann, Trevor Vickers, Tony Windberg and Jurek Wybraniec


Wonders of the Worlds XIII2022

conte crayon, oil on 3 panels

40.5 x 30.5, 40.5 x 30.5, 40.5 x 30.5 cm

Tony Windberg

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Garden Island



Novenber 8 - 26, 2023

Gallery Location:

Rockingham Arts Centre

11 Kent Street


Opening Hours:

Daily, 10am - 5pm

Curated by Jude van der Merwe


Susanna Castleden, Jo Darbyshire, Bradley Kickett,   Tony Windberg


Ramparts 1 series (above), 2023

earth pigments, conte crayon, oil on circular panels 20 x 20 cm


Ramparts 1d (below)

Tony Windberg

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2023 Parliament of Western Australia and

Edith Cowan University Artist in Residence


Tony Windberg was selected as the 2023 Parliament of Western Australia and Edith Cowan University Artist in Residence

Reflecting the colourful history of the Parliament House building process, the resulting artwork Common Ground resurrects grand but unrealised architectural design proposals. Materials meet in the middle, a nod to the mix of architectural styles and the adage that 'politics is the art of compromise'.

Donnybrook sandstone, used in the building, was sourced form the original quarry location and used extensively to connect the artwork to the subject,

The artwork was officially launched on November 9 2023 at Parliament House.



Common Ground, 2023  

Donnybrook sandstone, earth pigments, iron oxides, graphite, Marri resin, copper, acrylic binders, oil on 25 wood panels

256 x 205 cm


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Wonders of the Worlds I, 2022 

earth pigments, ash, conte crayon, oil on 24 panels

205 x 245 cm 

Tony Windberg

Wonders of the Worlds


May 15 - June 16, 2023

Gallery Location:

Council House Foyer Gallery

27 St Georges Terrace,


Opening Hours:

Monday to Friday, 10am - 4pm

Worlds collide as past and present merge in Wonders of the Worlds.


In partnership with Art Collective WA and the City of Perth, highlights of Tony Windberg’s epic exhibition will be on display in Perth for the first time.

Images of antiquity - Roman ruins, Greek temples, the Pyramids and Petra - are resurrected from black and white photographs within century old volumes of Wonders of the Past.  These combine with scenes of a wild terrain of sand and stone, a new frontier, the pristine landscapes of Mars.

Windberg’s innovative use of materials and techniques connects the artworks to his subject through a mix of traditional and non-conventional art materials.  Iron oxides reflect the rusty hues of Mars, chalk and marble dust the limestone temples and pyramids. Surfaces and textures are methodically built up then ‘weathered’ to suggest the passage of time.

In this thought-provoking exhibition of contrasts and contradictions, the rise and fall of empires reveals our strengths and weaknesses, our achievements and vulnerabilities. Human civilisation has built great monuments and achieved extraordinary heights as we look to other worlds. Do we have the power to save our own?

Review: Ted Snell, Artist's Chronicle May/June 2022

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Wonders of the Worlds XI (detail)

earth pigments, conte crayon, oil, 2022

Triptych: each panel 92 x 61 cm

Tony Windberg 

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Wonders of the Worlds


September 23 - October 28, 2022

Gallery Location:

Albany Town Hall

217 York Street, ALBANY WA 

Opening Hours:

Tuesday to Saturday, 10am - 5pm
Open on public holiday Mondays and Mondays during school holidays

The Wonders of the Worlds exhibition is on the move!  Following its inaugural showing at Bunbury Regional Art Gallery, the newly repurposed Albany Town Hall will host the exhibition in its dedicated Ground Floor Galleries space.

ARTIST TALK: Saturday September 24, 11 am

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Wonders of the Worlds


June 11- Aug 21, 2022 (finished)


Gallery Location:

Bunbury Regional Art Gallery

64 Wittenoom Street, BUNBURY, WA

Opening Hours:

TUE TO FRI 10AM - 4PM Daily

Worlds collide as past and present merge in Wonders of the Worlds, Tony Windberg’s solo exhibition at Bunbury Regional Art Galleries.

Images of antiquity - Roman ruins, Greek temples, the Pyramids and Petra - are resurrected from black and white photographs within century old volumes of Wonders of the Past.  These combine with scenes of a wild terrain of sand and stone, a new frontier, the pristine landscapes of Mars.

Windberg’s innovative use of materials and techniques connects the artworks to his subject through a mix of traditional and non-conventional art materials.  Iron oxides reflect the rusty hues of Mars, chalk and marble dust the limestone temples and pyramids. Surfaces and textures are methodically built up then ‘weathered’ to suggest the passage of time.

In this thought-provoking exhibition of contrasts and contradictions, the rise and fall of empires reveals our strengths and weaknesses, our achievements and vulnerabilities. Human civilisation has built great monuments and achieved extraordinary heights as we look to other worlds. Do we have the power to save our own?

Review: Ted Snell, Artist's Chronicle May/June 2022


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Supported by the Australian Government's Regional Arts Fund:


Wonders of the Worlds IX (detail)

conte crayon, oil, 2022

Triptych: each panel 50 x 40 cm

Tony Windberg 

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Golden State


May 29 - June 26, 2021 (finished)


Gallery Location:

Art Collective WA

2/565 Hay Street, PERTH, Western Australia

Opening Hours:

WED – FRI 11am – 4pm
SAT 12 – 4pm
or by appointment

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Golden State 2021

conte crayon, earth pigments (iron oxides) and oil on 20 wood panels, 204 x 204cm

Tony Windberg

Acquired Janet Holmes à Court Collection


Layers of earth pigments are methodically ‘eroded’ to unearth imagery of ancient ranges and mines in north Western Australia, in a new series of dramatic and brooding artworks that echo geological processes. The moving of mountains through the extraction of resources is also revealed to be in a perpetual state of flux; the cycles of ‘boom and bust’ attest to a tenuous reliance on the oldest landscape on Earth.  SEE MORE

Golden State 8, 2021

copper, earth pigments, pencil, oil on wood panel

30 x 40cm​

Tony Windberg 


MAR 6 - JUN 7, 2021

Gallery Location:

Bunbury Regional Art Galleries

64 Wittenoom Street, BUNBURY, WA

Opening Hours:

TUE TO FRI 10AM - 4PM Daily

The Bunbury Biennale is a major contemporary art exhibition in Western Australia. For the first time in the history of the Biennale, artists have been invited to explore a theme. 

HE | SHE | THEY is a journey into gender identity. The exhibition will explore notions of inclusion and diversity, celebrating the heterogeneity of gender within Western Australian culture and community... SEE MORE

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Perception is put to the test in Windberg's response to the theme. His childhood in 1970's Australia merges with Ishihara colour blindness charts in a series of playful after-image optical games where the viewer makes the rules. 

SEE POST: 'A Boy's Look' - behind the scenes 

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TOP: A Boy's Look 1: Brontosaurus v Allosaurus (detail) 

ABOVE A Boy’s Look 5: Hurricane v Focke Wulf (detail) 


BELOW: A Boy's Look, 2021

enamel on MDF

21 discs on 6 panels, each panel 19 x 60 cm

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50fifty :2020

Terra nullius 2, 2018

engraved pegboard, rust effect paint, sealant,mdf

43.5cm h x 127cm w x 1.5cm d

Acquired for the Curtin University Collection from Instrumental, 2018, Mundaring Arts Centre 

JUL 29 - OCT 16, 2020 (finished)

Gallery Location:

John Curtin Gallery,

Building 200A, Bentley


50fifty:2020 showcases a selection of 50 artworks acquired through the 50fifty Acquisition Initiative, which was launched in 2017 with the aim of rejuvenating the Curtin University Art Collection – one of WA’s most important public art collections. The works on display include paintings, photographs, mixed media, sculpture, ceramics, video and works on paper.

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Image: Gallipoli Remnants (detail)

Earth pigments, Ash, Resin, Oil on board

122 x 198 cm (triptych,)

Tony Windberg


Historical Remnants


AUGUST 1 - 22, 2020 (finished)


Gallery Location:

Art Collective WA

2/565 Hay Street, PERTH, Western Australia

Opening Hours:

WED – FRI 11am – 4pm
SAT 12 – 4pm
or by appointment

A group exhibition that reflects on the way landscapes, places, objects and markers can be memorialised in our collective memories. 

ARTISTS: Olga Cironis, Jo Darbyshire, Kevin Robertson, Toni Wilkinson, Tony Windberg and guest exhibiting artists Sine MacPherson and Mark Tweedie.

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South Western Times

ART 2020

FEB 15 - APR 26 (finished)

Gallery Location:

Bunbury Regional Art Galleries

64 Wittenoom Street, BUNBURY, WA

Opening Hours:

TUE TO FRI 10AM - 4PM Daily

Artist Talk: Environment in Focus

FEB 22 (SAT) 2PM

Images: Island State (+detail)

Earth pigments, Ash, Iron oxide, Copper, Verdigris, Pencil, Conte crayon, Oil paint

Diptych, each panel 52 x 204 cm

Tony Windberg


Winner Packers Prize, Art 2020

Acquired for City of Bunbury Collection


The year 2020 is a time in which we assessing the past and consider issues affecting us now and in the future. The South Western Times Art 2020 exhibition presents a snapshot of artists currently practicing in the South West of Western Australia, providing the opportunity to reflect on our place and times. Curated by WA writer and curator Lee Kinsella

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From Contemplative to Controversy

A selection of works from the City of Busselton Art Collection


FEB 1 - MAR 15 2020 (finished)

Gallery Location:

Art Geo Gallery, ArtGeo Cultural Complex
Queen Street Cultural Precinct

Image: Control Point 5

(in situ at Control Lines exhibition, ArtGeo Gallery, 2017)

Earth pigments, ash, charcoal, acrylic binders on 5 doors

204 cm h, width variable

Tony Windberg

City of Busselton Collection


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ION: In Our Nature

JAN 17 - FEB 23 


Lost Eden Creative

Facebook page


Gallery Location:

58 McLarty St, Dwellingup WA 6213

 ION: IN OUR NATURE is a selection of works from leading West Australian artists whose practice is engaged with issues of place, history and nature through material as much as content.

 It brings together contemporary artists from Perth and the Southwest regions who work across visual art, sculpture and a fusion of both.

‘In our Nature’ alludes to the external world around us that we respond to and our internal compulsion to create a sense of it through art.


Exhibiting artists are: Tony Windberg, Jo Darvall, Peter Usher, Tony Davis, Peter Kovacsy, Stephanie Reisch, Gregory Pryor, Geoffrey Wake, Ron Nyisztor, Mel Dare and Monique Tippett.

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Image: Harvest - Gold 

charcoals, resins on 2 flat mdf structures

each panel: 50 x 160 x 5

Tony Windberg

Janet Holmes à Court Collection



The Botanical: Beauty and Peril

JULY 21 - NOV 4 (finished)

Gallery Location:

Art Gallery of Western Australia
Perth Cultural Centre

Opening Hours:

10am-5pm, Wednesday – Monday (closed Tuesdays)


'This major exhibition explores the abundant beauty of the botanical world and the threats that assail it. The Botanical: Beauty and Peril draws from the renowned Janet Holmes à Court Collection and the AGWA Collection to present a vivid, involving and sometimes disturbing journey through the diverse representation by Australian artists of the glorious kingdom of plants...'

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Image: Harvest - Gold (detail)

charcoals, resins on 2 flat mdf structures

each panel: 50 x 160 x 5

Tony Windberg

Janet Holmes à Court Collection


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Image: Lookout - Tookalup, 2019

pencil, conte crayon, oil 

58 x 204 cm

Tony Windberg

solo exhibition:


JULY 15 - AUG 10 (finished)

Gallery Location:

Manjimup Art Gallery

Corners Rose and Mount St,  MANJIMUP, WA

Opening Hours:

MON TO WED, FRI: 9:30 am - 5pm

THURS: 9:30 am - 6pm

SAT: 9 am TO 12 noon

Artist Talks:

JULY 23, 11 am -12 noon

AUG 2, 11 am -12 noon

'From tourist lookouts, Tony Windberg directs a 'post-colonial' gaze back out to sea where the first European ships looked at the forbidding Australian coastline centuries earlier.'


Image: Emergence - Gallipoli (detail), 2019

Gesso, Rust effect paint, Rust Converter, Sealant on wood panel

82 x 102 cm

Purchased by Edith Cowan University

Bunbury Biennale

MAY 18 - JULY 21 (finished)

Gallery Location:

Bunbury Regional Art Galleries

64 Wittenoom Street, BUNBURY, WA

Opening Hours:

TUE TO FRI 10AM - 4PM Daily

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Tony Windberg

Photo credit: Corrina Barclay

The Alternative Archive:


JUNE 6 - JULY 3 2019 (finished)

Gallery Location:

Manjimup Art Gallery

57 - 59 Rose St (Corner Mount St, enter through Manjimup Public Library), MANJIMUP, WA

Opening Hours:


THURS: 9:30AM - 6PM



'Shire of Manjimup artists are responding to the theme - Nectere - what ties, or binds them to the place they live.​ Their responses are very personal and varied, covering many of the stories and places of this unique area.'

'The Alternative Archive is part of larger Regional Arts Partnership Program (RAPP) aimed at linking regional artists and arts organisations with key service organisations to foster arts development across the state. The project is being coordinated by Southern Forest Arts in conjunction with Lead Curator, Anna Louise Richardson.'

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art award:

Images: From the Edge - Meekatharra, 2002 

Iron oxides, Conte crayon on paper

56 x 77 cm each sheet (diptych, separately framed)


Winner, Drawing Prize, Inland Art Prize.

Inland Art Prize

JUNE 1 - 5 2019 (finished)


Gallery Location:

Leonora Recreation Centre, LEONORA, WA

Opening Hours:

10AM - 4PM Daily

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The Essence of Rottnest 

MAY 11, 12 + MAY 15 - 19 (finished)

Gallery Location:

Holmes á Court Gallery

10 Douglas Street, WEST PERTH, WA

Opening Hours:

10AM - 4PM

'The inaugural Rottnest Foundation Art Exhibition 2019 is being held over the period 11-19 May 2019 at the prestigious Holmes à Court Gallery @ no.10 Douglas Street, West Perth.

The unique natural and cultural values of Rottnest Island or Wadjemup have long inspired artists and this will be reflected in the exhibition theme ‘The Essence of Rottnest’. 

Over 100 professional artists have accepted an invitation to interpret the exhibition theme and create artworks on 50x50cm canvases, sponsored by Oxlades Art Supplies.  Funds raised from the sale of artwork will contribute to the Foundation’s role in delivering environmental and heritage conservation projects on Rottnest Island.'

Curated by Sandra Murray

Images: Departure Point, 2019,

engraved acrylic on canvas, 50 x 50 cm

Tony Windberg

'I have chosen to focus on the link between the Nyoongar name for WA’s Rottnest Island, Wadjemup ( ‘place across the water where the spirits are’) and the German painter Caspar David Friedrich, who dealt with the theme of souls departing this world in his 1835 allegorical painting The Stages of Life.

I built up layers of acrylic paint echoing the colours in Friedrich’s painting, working from light to dark. By varying the depth of cut and pressure when engraving into these layers, I could achieve the required colours and tones. The viewpoint for Departure Point is the first vision of the island from Eric Street, Cottesloe.' 


Minnawarra Art Awards 


MAY 4 - 19 2019 (finished)

Gallery Location:

Armadale District Hall

Perth, WA

Opening Hours:

10 am - 4pm daily

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Images: Counterpoint - Gallipoli, 2018

ink under 2 layers of glass, earth, ash, marri resin , acrylic binders

54 h x 130 w cm


        'In the artwork Counterpoint - Gallipoli, dots are drawn in rows, varying in size and spacing to achieve tonal gradations.  The methodical and emotionally detached technique deliberately counters its subject, the geological formation Sari Bair, which overshadows the site of the 1915 Anzac landing in Turkey. Like layers of entwined human history, the marks form dual layers of vertical and horizontal lines that hover over the foundation of earth and ash, depicting geography oblivious to its human significance. The veil of marri resin not only provides a blood red base, but its use as a healing substance becomes deeply symbolic.'  


2019 City of Rockingham Art Awards

MAY 5 - 19 2019 (finished)

Gallery Locations:

Gary Holland Community Centre

19 Kent Street, ROCKINGHAM WA

Rockingham Arts Centre.

19 Kent Street, ROCKINGHAM WA

Opening Hours:

TUE TO FRI 10AM - 3PM Daily

Curated by Jude Van der Merwe, 'The City of Rockingham's annual Art Awards showcases selected two and three dimensional artworks from emerging and professional artists alike. In 2019, artists were invited to respond to the theme 'Space' to inspire and inform artworks.'

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Image: Enclosure, 2019 (detail)

oil on canvas and linen, 60 x 75 cm, Tony Windberg

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Sketching the South West 

JANUARY 26 - APRIL 28 2019 (finished)

Gallery Location:

Bunbury Regional Art Galleries

64 Wittenoom Street, BUNBURY, WA

Opening Hours:

TUE TO FRI 10AM - 4PM Daily


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Image: ’Pemberton - Summer 1, 2018

charcoal on paper

21cm h x 29cm w

Tony Windberg 


'Sketching the South West celebrates the power of the sketch in capturing the ecology of this region through the lens of an artist.

This exhibition brings together a diverse group of artists who use life sketches to explore unique ways of seeing the landscape, people and culture of the South West. Whether working with paint, pastel, pen, charcoal, wood, recycled materials, printmaking, fabric or ceramics each work began with a form of mark making, capturing an encounter between artist and subject in its purest form. The inclusion of preliminary sketches alongside finished works in this exhibition presents a unique opportunity to observe the power of the sketch and a glance into the artistic process...'

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Landscape // Group Exhibition


MARCH 9 - APRIL 6 2019 (finished)


Gallery Location:

Art Collective WA

2/565 Hay Street, PERTH, Western Australia

Opening Hours:

WED – FRI 11am – 4pm
SAT 12 – 4pm
or by appointment

Nigel Hewitt, Jeremy Kirwan-Ward, Antony Muia, Jane Martin, Tony Windberg, Kevin Robertson and Merrick Belyea.
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Images: Harvest - Gold (details)

charcoals, resins on 2 flat mdf structures

each panel: 50 x 160 x 5

Tony Windberg

Acquired for the Janet Holmes á Court collection. 

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The distinct pleasures of tools




Gallery Location:

Mundaring Arts Centre

7190 Great Eastern Highway, Mundaring, WA

Opening Hours:





Curated by Jude van der Merwe

Instrumental: The distinct pleasures of tools invites twelve, successful mid-career artists to examine their relationship with the tools they use on a daily basis as they create artworks, and the imagined tools that provide the answers to life, the universe and everything.

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Image: Terra nullius 1 (detail), 2018

pegboard, sanded rust effect paint, sealant, mdf

43.5cm h x 127cm w x 1.5cm d

Below: Terra nullius 2 (progress, detail), 2018

engraved pegboard, rust effect paint, sealant,mdf

43.5cm h x 127cm w x 1.5cm d

Acquired for the Curtin University Collection

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        'The contrast of the crude axe versus the sophisticated sextant was instrumental in deeming a continent uninhabited.  My reinterpretations of published English depictions of a ‘vacant’ Australian coastline seen by Matthew Flinders echo the original copperplate engraving process.  However, the plate is now utilitarian pegboard and it is power tools over crude hand tools. The blank island shapes, akin to missing tools from their toolshed pegboard homes, reveal the impending imposition of alignment and control.' - Tony Windberg, 2018

        'In the artwork Counterpoint - Gallipoli, dots are drawn in rows, varying in size and spacing to achieve tonal gradations.  The methodical and emotionally detached technique deliberately counters its subject, the geological formation Sari Bair, which overshadows the site of the 1915 Anzac landing in Turkey. Like layers of entwined human history, the marks form dual layers of vertical and horizontal lines that hover over the foundation of earth and ash, depicting geography oblivious to its human significance. The veil of marri resin not only provides a blood red base, but its use as a healing substance becomes deeply symbolic.' - Tony Windberg, 2018

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Gallery Location:

ArtGeo Gallery,

7 Queen St, Busselton, WA

Opening Hours:

11am – 4pm Wednesday to Friday

Saturday 12 – 4pm

Abstraction and realism merge in Homeland, an exhibition of artworks by WA artists Galliano Fardin and Tony Windberg. Their divergent approaches are linked by methodical mark-making, environmental concerns and grounding in the landscape they call home.


Above: Tony Windberg Foveal (detail), 2017

engraved satellite dish, marri and karri ash, rust effect paint, sealant.

139 (h) x 122 (w) x 25 (d) (wall mounted)

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MAY 26 - JUNE 23 2018


Gallery Location:

Art Collective WA

Cathedral Square,

2/565 Hay Street, Perth, Western Australia

In Tony Windberg's exhibition exploring the human desire to colonise and establish 'new turf', parallels are drawn between the first European depictions of Australia and images transmitted from Mars less than 2 centuries later.


Rust and copper meet glass and grass, yet all is not what it appears...

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Top:  Investigator series, 2018

ink under glass, synthetic turf, copper paint on wood, each 28 x 28 x 6 cm

Right (detail)+ Below: Home Turf # 4 , 2018

ink under glass. synthetic turf, calcium carbonate and rust effect paint on wood, 59 x 172 cm


Multi award winning Australian artist Tony Windberg started his career as a painter after completing his Bachelor of Arts degree (Fine Arts) from Curtin University, Western Australia in 1986. His ongoing investigation of  the landscape has seen a broadening of artistic approaches: painting, drawing,  print-making and sculptural techniques are frequently combined using materials that are both conventional and non-conventional.  The inherent symbolism of these materials reflects environmental concerns and touches of wry humour in what he terms "the nature of illusion, and the illusion of nature."  


His artworks are represented in numerous private, public and corporate collections.

Tony is represented by Art Collective WA

All images and photographs on this website are copyright Tony Windberg or the credited artist/ photographer and may not be used without permission.

© 2022 by Tony Windberg. Proudly created by Paper Napkin Creative

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